Bij de digitale balie

Automatische generatie van vragen op basis van een enkelvoudige woordvorm

"; echo ""; echo ""; if ($invr_vgpt == null) { $invr_vgpt="Receptioniste"; } if ($invr_taal == null) { $invr_taal="nederlands"; } if ($invr_chbt == null) { $invr_chbt="taalbots"; } if ($invr_bzkr == null) { $invr_bzkr="Gast"; } $sinvr_bzv1=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_bzv1); // echo "
VGPT ".$invr_vgpt." CHBT ".$invr_chbt; // echo "
"; // echo "
Uw privacy is belangrijk
"; // echo "
Speak to Eddy and have him learn a few things
Поговорите с Эдди и попросите его узнать несколько вещей
"; // echo "
Praat met ".$invr_vgpt." en leer natuurlijk te converseren met Semanta."; if ($invr_vgpt == "semantus") { echo "
Ik kan van alles vertellen...... Het gebruik is toch de beste leermeester. Dus zeg iets of tik iets en leer Semanta kennen.
"; // U converseert met Semantus als mens, onderdeel van het Internet of Things of als humanoid.
"; } echo ""; ?>
> > > > > > > >
.png width=96 height=96 "

> > > > > > > >
.png width=96 height=96 "
"; require_once ("slct-tabl.php"); // print_r($conv_tabl); // require_once ("bild-wiki-func.php"); require_once ("config-smta.php"); require_once ("chck-infr-func.php"); require_once ("chbt-date-func.php"); // require_once ("calc-text-func.php"); require_once ("tlkd-smts-func.php"); require_once ("smta-tlkd-func-0017.php"); require_once ("taal-ipcd-func.php"); require_once ("text-isrt-func.php"); require_once ("xtrt-xxxx-func.php"); require_once ("xtrt-aiml-func.php"); require_once ("bepl-taal-func.php"); require_once ("bepl-sgmt-func.php"); require_once ("bepl-taal-func.php"); /////////////////// echo ""; $mtsw_rslt=xtrt_xxxx("-----",$invr_taal,"mtsw"); // print_r($mtsw_rslt); foreach($mtsw_rslt as $mtsw_key => $mtsw_val) { $mtsw_itms=explode("!!",$mtsw_key); // print_r($mtsw_itms); $mtsw_domn=$mtsw_itms[2]; $mtsw_lnks=$mtsw_itms[3]; $mtsw_rchs=$mtsw_itms[4]; $mtsw_tabl[$mtsw_lnks]=$mtsw_rchs; } foreach($mtsw_tabl as $mtsw_key => $mtsw_val) { // echo ""; } $sgmt_rslt=bepl_sgmt($invr_bzv1); if (count($sgmt_rslt) > 0) { // echo "
"; // print_r($sgmt_rslt); foreach($sgmt_rslt as $sgmt_key => $sgmt_val) { $sgmt_wrds=explode("@",$sgmt_key); // echo "
"; // print_r($sgmt_wrds); $sgmt_lngt=$sgmt_wrds[0]; $sgmt_text=$sgmt_wrds[1]; // echo "
SGMT TEXT ".$sgmt_text; $mtsw_val=$mtsw_tabl[$sgmt_text]; // echo ""; if ($mtsw_val != null) { $lmtsw_val= "$mtsw_val"; //$lsgmt_text= "$mts_val"; echo ""; $sgmt_mtsw=xtrt_xxxx($wrds_val,$invr_taal,"mtsw"); { // echo "
SGMT MTSW "; // print_r($sgmt_mtsw); foreach($sgmt_mtsw as $mtsw_key => $mtsw_val) { $mtsw_itms=explode("!!",$mtsw_key); // echo "
MTSW ITMS "; // print_r($mtsw_itms); $mtsw_domn=$mtsw_itms[2]; $mtsw_lnks=$mtsw_itms[3]; $mtsw_rchs=$mtsw_itms[4]; if ( $mn>1) { $mn=$mn+1; // echo ""; if ($mrelt != $mtsw_rchs) { $mtsw_array[$sgmt_key."@".$mtsw_rchs]=$mtsw_array[$sgmt_key."@".$mtsw_rchs]+1; $intn_array[$mn]=$mtsw_rchs; echo ""; $mrelt=$mtsw_rchs; } } } } } } } // print_r($intn_array); // print_r($mtsw_array); echo "
Eerste indruk(ken)
"; /////////////////////// ok /////////////// $tlkd_rslt=smta_tlkd($invr_bzv1."@gram"); // print_r($tlkd_rslt); echo ""; foreach($tlkd_rslt as $tlkd_key => $tlkd_val) { $tlkd_text=trim($tlkd_key); $tlkd_text=str_replace("@ ","@",$tlkd_key); $tlkd_text=str_replace(",","",$tlkd_text); $tlkd_text=str_replace(" ","",$tlkd_text); $tlkd_text=str_replace(" ","",$tlkd_text); $tlkd_text=trim($tlkd_text); $tlkd_itms=explode(".",$tlkd_text); asort($tlkd_itms); // print_r($tlkd_itms); $tlkd_word=$tlkd_itms[0]; $tlkd_gram=$tlkd_itms[1]; $tlkd_taal=$tlkd_itms[2]; if (strlen($tlkd_word)> 3) { $gram_array[$tlkd_gram]=$gram_array[$tlkd_gram]+1; $word_array[$tlkd_word."@".$tlkd_gram]=$word_array[$tlkd_word."@".$tlkd_gram]+1; if ($wrelt != $tlkd_word) { $wrelt=$tlkd_word; echo ""; } } } echo "
"; $datm=date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); // echo "
TLKD ".$datm; exit; //////////////////////// $bzv1_wrds=explode(" ",$invr_bzv1); $long_wrds=""; $shrt_wrds=""; // print_r($bzv1_wrds); $gram_array=""; foreach($bzv1_wrds as $bzv1_key => $bzv1_val) { $li="l"; if (strlen($bzv1_val) < 4) { $li="s"; } echo ""; $sbzv1_val=str_replace(" ","+",$bzv1_val); $lbzv1_val="LONG".$bzv1_val.""; // echo ""; echo "
"; echo ""; $gw27_rslt=xtrt_xxxx("xdotx".$bzv1_val,$invr_taal,"gw27"); // print_r($gw27_rslt); $summ_rchs=""; if (count($gw27_rslt) == 0 and $bzv1_val != null) { echo ""; } foreach ($gw27_rslt as $gw27_key => $gw27_val) { $gw27_itms=explode("!!",$gw27_key); $gw27_domn=$gw27_itms[2]; $gw27_lnks=$gw27_itms[3]; $gw27_rchs=$gw27_itms[4]; // print_r($conv_array); $gw27_conv=$conv_array[$gw27_rchs]; $gw27_resp=str_replace("invraiml",$bzv1_val,$gw27_conv); $gw27_resp=str_replace("%%",$bzv1_val,$gw27_resp); // echo ""; // echo "".$gw27_rchs."-"; $summ_rchs=$summ_rchs.$gw27_rchs."-"; $aiml_rslt=xtrt_aiml($gw27_resp,"aiml"); /////////// $sql = "SELECT * FROM gram where `taal` = '$invr_taal' and `lnks` = '$gw27_rchs' order by `rchs` asc "; mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8"); mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8"); $tablresult = mysql_query($sql, $link); $tabl_num = mysql_num_rows($tablresult); // echo "
Aantallen gram ".$sql." ".$tabl_num; // echo "
GW27".$bzv1_val."Er is geen Grammatica entry voor
"; if ($tabl_num == 0 and strlen($gw27_rchs) == 3 ) { $rchs = "Not found"; // $summ_rchs=$summ_rchs."-".$rchs; } if ($tabl_num > 0 ) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($tablresult)) { $id=$row['id']; $ipad=$row['ipad']; $taal=$row['taal']; $taal_array[$taal]=$taal_array[$taal]+1; $domn=$row['domn']; $lnks=$row['lnks']; $gram_rchs=$row['rchs']; $rchs_dtls=explode(",",$gram_rchs); foreach($rchs_dtls as $dtls_key => $dtls_val) { if ($li == "s") { // echo "
RCHS ".$dtls_val; $dtls_val=trim($dtls_val); $summ_rchs=$summ_rchs."-".$dtls_val; $shrt_array[$li."@".$dtls_val]=$shrt_array[$li."@".$dtls_val]+1; // echo "
".$li."@".$dtls_val; } if ($li == "l") { // echo "
RCHS ".$dtls_val; $dtls_val=trim($dtls_val); $summ_rchs=$summ_rchs."-".$dtls_val; $long_array[$li."@".$dtls_val]=$long_array[$li."@".$dtls_val]+1; // echo "
".$li."@".$dtls_val; } } } } /////////// // echo "
"; $summ_rchs=""; if (count($aiml_rslt) == 0 and $gw27_resp != null) { // echo ""; } else { // print_r($aiml_rslt); $sw=0; foreach($aiml_rslt as $aiml_key => $aiml_val) { if ($sw <4) { $aiml_dtls=explode("@",$aiml_key); // echo "
INTN ARRAY "; // print_r(intn_array); $aiml_ptrn=$aiml_dtls[2]; $aiml_tmpl=$aiml_dtls[3]; echo "
INVR BZV1 ".$invr_bzv1." AIML PTRN ".$aiml_ptrn." AIML TMPL ".$aiml_tmpl; $sgw27_resp=str_replace(" ","+",$gw27_resp); $lgw27_resp="AIML ".$gw27_resp.""; echo "

"; $sw=$sw+1; }// } // echo "
"; } } } echo "
SHORT"; arsort($shrt_array); // print_r($shrt_array); // echo "
LONG"; arsort($long_array); // print_r($long_array); $lc=0; foreach ($long_array as $long_key => $long_val) { if ($lc < 4) { $lc=$lc+1; echo ""; } } if (strlen($bzv1_val) > 4) { // echo "
MORE 4 ".strlen($bzv1_val); // echo "BZV1 VAL ".$bzv1_val; $long_wrds=$long_wrds." ".$bzv1_val; $shrt_wrds=$shrt_wrds."@"; } if (strlen($bzv1_val) < 5) { // echo "
LESS 5 ".strlen($bzv1_val); // echo "BZV1 VAL ".$bzv1+val; $shrt_wrds=$shrt_wrds." ".$bzv1_val; } echo ""; $invr_bzv1=str_replace("+"," ",$invr_bzv1); $sinvr_bzv1=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_bzv1); $datm=date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); // echo "
GW27 ".$datm; echo "
Er is geen AIML Entry voor ".$gw27_resp."
"; echo "
"; // print_r($rslt_array); // echo "
scnd array"; arsort($scnd_array); // print_r($scnd_array); // echo "";; if ($invr_lgrm != null) { $invr_bzv1=$invr_lgrm; } ///////////// // print_r($sgmt_array); echo "

"; $sinvr_bzv1=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_bzv1); $bzv1_line=explode(".",$invr_bzv1); $datm=date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); // echo "
SGMT ".$datm; foreach($bzv1_line as $line_key => $line_val) { // echo ""; // echo "
"; $sgmt_rslt=bepl_sgmt($line_val); // print_r($sgmt_rslt); echo "
Taal is ".$invr_taal."
"; /////////////////// foreach($sgmt_rslt as $sgmt_key => $sgmt_val) { $tlkd_rslt=smta_tlkd($sgmt_key."@scnd"); // print_r($tlkd_rslt); ksort($tlkd_rslt); $tn=0; $tlkd_array=array(); foreach($tlkd_rslt as $tlkd_key => $tlkd_val) { $tlkd_dtls=explode("@",$tlkd_key); // print_r($tlkd_dtls); $tlkd_lnks=trim($tlkd_dtls[1]); $tlkd_rchs=trim($tlkd_val); if (strlen($tlkd_lnks) > 4) { if ($trelt != $tlkd_lnks) { // echo "
".$tlkd_val.""; $trelt=$tlkd_lnks; } if ($trelt == $tlkd_lnks) { if ($tn < 8) { $intn_array[$tn]=$tlkd_val; $tn=$tn+1; $tlkd_array[$tlkd_val]=$tlkd_array[$tlkd_val]+1; // echo "
"; } } } } } } //////////// ok 2/////////////////// $tlkd_array[$tlkd_val]=$tlkd_array[$tlkd_val]+1; // print_r($tlkd_array); // print_r($intn_array); $an=count($intn_array) + 1; // echo "
AN ".$an; $ti=0; foreach($tlkd_array as $tlkd_key => $tlkd_val) { // echo "
TLKD KEY ".$tlkd_key; $intn_array[$an]=$tlkd_key; $an=$an+1; $invr_bzv2[$invr_bzv1."@".$tlkd_key]=$invr_bzv2[$invr_bzv1."@".$tlkd_key]+1; } // print_r($intn_array); foreach($sgmt_rslt as $sgmt_key => $sgmt_val) { $sw=0; // echo "
SGMT KEY ".$sgmt_key; // print_r($sgmt_rslt); $sgmt_key=trim($sgmt_key); $sgmt_dtls=explode("@",$sgmt_key); $sgmt_freq=$sgmt_dtls[0]; $sgmt_text=$sgmt_dtls[1]; $ssgmt_key=str_replace(" ","+",$sgmt_text); $spce_numb=substr_count($sgmt_key, ' '); $sspgmt_key=str_replace(" ","+",$sgmt_text); // echo "
SPACE ".$spce_numb; // echo "
SRELT ".$srelt."SGMT KEY ">$sgmt_key; if ($srelt!= $sgmt_key) { $lsgmt_mtsw=""; } else { $lsgmt_mtsw="MTSW"; } echo $lsgmt_mtsw; // echo "
Je kan gewoon verder toch"; // echo "

"; echo ""; ////////////// if ($spce_numb < 3) { $sgmt_mtsw=$splt_tabl[$sgmt_key]; // echo "
MTSW ".$sgmt_mtsw; // echo ""; } if (strlen($sgmt_key) < 5) { $sgmt_mtsw=$mtsw_array[$sgmt_key]; // echo "
MTSW ".$sgmt_mtsw; } if (count($sgmt_rslt) == 1) { // echo "
".$sgmt_key."-".$sgmt_mtsw.""; } if ($srelt != $sgmt_key) { $srelt=$sgmt_key; // echo "
"; echo ""; // echo ""; echo "
"; // echo "
"; // echo "
"; // echo "

AIML, Pandorabots, Botlibre
"; // echo "

AIML, Dialogflow, LUIS, WATSON
"; $aiml_rslt=xtrt_aiml($sgmt_key,$invr_taal,"aiml"); // print_r($aiml_rslt); $an=0; foreach($aiml_rslt as $aiml_key => $aiml_val) { if ($sw< 2) { $sw=$sw+1; $aiml_dtls=explode("@",$aiml_key); // print_r($aiml_dtls); $aiml_topc=$aiml_dtls[1]; $aiml_ptrn=$aiml_dtls[2]; $aiml_tmpl=$aiml_dtls[3]; $aiml_intn=$aiml_dtls[4]; $aiml_ptrn=trim($aiml_ptrn); $aiml_tmpl=trim($aiml_tmpl); $aiml_intn=trim($aiml_intn); if ($aiml_intn == null) { $aiml_intn=$sgmt_key; } // $aiml_intn="'$aiml_intn.'"; // echo "

"; // echo ""; // echo ""; // echo ""; // echo ""; // echo "
AIML INTN ".$aiml_intn; if ($aiml_intn == "intention") { $aiml_intn=$intn_array[$ti]; $ti=$ti+1; } // echo "
"; $an=count($intn_array)+1; $intn_array[$an]=$aiml_intn; // echo ""; // echo ""; ///////////// } } } } /////////////////// echo "
"; echo ""; #bepaal taal van de tekst /////// $taal_rslt=bepl_taal($invr_bzv1); // print_r($taal_rslt); krsort($taal_rslt); $taal_sw=0; arsort($taal_rslt); foreach($taal_rslt as $taal_key => $taal_val) { if ($taal_sw == 0) { $taal_sw = 1; $text_taal=$taal_key; // echo "
TEXT TAAL".$text_taal; } } $invr_taal=$text_taal; if($invr_taal== null) { $invr_land="nederland"; $invr_taal="Nederlands"; } ////////////////////////////////////// ///////////// if ($invr_vgpt == null) { $invr_vgpt="Semantus"; } if ($invr_chbt == null) { $invr_chbt="receptioniste"; } if ($invr_bzkr == null) { $invr_bzkr="bezoeker"; } if ($invr_taal == null) { $invr_taal="nederlands"; } if ($invr_bzv1== null) { $invr_bzv1="U mag het zeggen"; } if ($invr_bzv2 == null) { $invr_bzv2=$invr_bzv1; } #bewerk uiting van de bezoeker // echo "
Taal is ".$invr_taal."
"; // echo "
INVR BZV1 ".$invr_bzv1; $invr_docm=$invr_bzv1; $invr_docm=str_replace(":"," vvlg",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace(" - "," .",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace(";"," uitl",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace(")","",$invr_docm); // $invr_docm=str_replace(","," opsm",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace("("," uitl",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace("'"," quot ",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace("&"," and ",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace("/"," of ",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace("!"," utrp ",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace("?"," vrag ",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace("++","+",$invr_docm); $invr_bzv1=$invr_docm; $sinvr_bzv1=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_bzv1); // echo "
SINVR BZV1 ".$sinvr_bzv1; // print_r($bzv1_wrds); $invr_bzv1=strtolower($invr_bzv1); $bzv1_lnes=explode(".",$invr_bzv1); echo "
"; foreach($bzv1_lnes as $line_key => $line_val) { $bzv1_wrds=explode(" ",$line_val); echo "
"; // echo ""; echo ""; #check grammatica foreach($bzv1_wrds as $bzv1_key => $bzv1_val) { $nc=0; $sw=0; $intn_bzv1=$bzv1_val; // echo "
"; if (strlen($bzv1_val) > 3) { $gw27_rslt=xtrt_xxxx("xdotx".$bzv1_val,$invr_taal,"gw27"); if (count($gw27_rslt) == 0) { $lbzv1_val="GW27 TWEE".$bzv1_val.""; echo "
No grammar info for ".$lbzv1_val."
"; } foreach($gw27_rslt as $gw27_key => $gw27_val) { $gw27_key=strtolower($gw27_key); $gw27_dtls=explode("!!",$gw27_key); $gw27_lnks=$gw27_dtls[3]; $gw27_rchs=$gw27_dtls[4]; $pgw27_lnks="".$gw27_lnks.""; $conv_gram=$conv_tabl[$gw27_rchs]; $conv_text=$conv_tabl[$bzv1_val]; // echo "
CONV TEXT ".urlencode($conv_text)."
"; if ($conv_text != null and $sw== 0) { $sw=1; // echo "
CONV TEXT ".urlencode($conv_text)."
"; $conv_text=str_replace(","," ",$conv_text); $conv_dtls=explode("@",$conv_text); $conv_intn=$conv_dtls[0]; $conv_qstn=$conv_dtls[1]; // print_r($conv_dtls); $intn_array[$conv_intn]=$intn_array[$conv_intn]+1; $conv_intn=str_replace("invraiml",$gw27_lnks,$conv_intn); $conv_intn=str_replace("invrvgpt",$invr_vgpt,$conv_intn); $conv_intn=str_replace("invrbzkr",$invr_bzkr,$conv_intn); $conv_qstn=str_replace("invraiml",$gw27_lnks,$conv_qstn); $conv_qstn=str_replace("invrvgpt",$invr_vgpt,$conv_qstn); $conv_qstn=str_replace("invrbzkr",$invr_bzkr,$conv_qstn); $conv_qstn=str_replace($gw27_lnks,$pgw27_lnks,$convf_qstn); echo "
"; } if ($conv_gram != null and $nc < 5) { $conv_dtls=explode("@",$conv_gram); // echo "
NC ".$nc; // print_r($conv_dtls); $conv_qstn=$conv_dtls[1]; $conv_qstn=str_replace("invraiml",$gw27_lnks,$conv_qstn); $conv_qstn=str_replace("invrvgpt",$invr_vgpt,$conv_qstn); $conv_qstn=str_replace("invrbzkrl",$invr_bzkr,$conv_qstn); if ($grelt != $gw27_lnks ) { $nc=$nc+1; $grelt=$gw27_lnks; } else { $nc=$nc+1; echo "
"; $intn_rslt=xtrt_xxxx($bzv1_val,"nederlands","vrag",2); // print_r($intn_rslt); if (count($intn_rslt) > 0) { foreach($intn_rslt as $intn_key => $intn_val) { $intn_key=strtolower($intn_key); $intn_dtls=explode("!!",$intn_key); $print_r($intn_dtls); $intn_lnks=$intn_dtls[3]; $intn_rchs=$intn_dtls[4]; echo ""; $conv_gram=$conv_tabl[$intn_rchs]; $conv_text=$conv_tabl[$bzv1_val]; echo ""; } } if (count($intn_rslt) == 0) { ?>
Taal is ".$invr_taal."

> > > > > > > > >
"; // print_r($intn_array); echo ""; $sinvr_bzv1=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_bzv1); $sinvr_domn=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_domn); // echo ""; // echo ""; /////////////////// echo "
"; echo ""; $summ_itms=explode("@",$summ_key); // print_r($summ_itms); // echo ""; $summ_rslt=$summ_itms[1].".".$summ_rslt; } $summ_rslt=trim($summ_rslt); $ssumm_rslt=str_replace(" ","+",$summ_rslt); echo "
"; // $print_r($aiml_rslt); // echo "
INTN BZV1 ".$intn_bzv1; $aiml_rslt=xtrt_aiml($invr_bzv1,"aiml"); if (count($aiml_rslt) > 0) { // echo ""; // echo ""; $an=0; $summ_tmpl=""; krsort($aiml_rslt); // print_r($aiml_rslt); foreach ($aiml_rslt as $aiml_key => $aiml_val) { if ($an < 2) { $rchs_itms=explode("@",$aiml_key); // print_r($rchs_itms); // echo "
"; $an=$an+1; // $invr_rchs=$invr_rchs."\n".$rchs_itms[1]."-->".$rchs_itms[3]; $invr_tmpl=$rchs_itms[3]; $invr_ptrn=$rchs_itms[2]; $invr_intn=$rchs_itms[4]; // echo "
INVR INTN ".$invr_intn; $comm_intn=explode(",",$invr_intn); // print_r($comm_intn); $invr_intn=$comm_val; $sinvr_tmpl=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_tmpl); $linvr_tmpl="PTRN".$invr_intn.""; foreach($comm_intn as $comm_key => $comm_val) { $invr_intn=$comm_val; $sinvr_intn=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_intn); $linvr_intn="".$invr_tmpl.""; if ($rrelt != $invr_ptrn.$invr_tmpl) { $rrelt=$invr_ptrn.$invr_tmpl; if ($invr_ptrn !=null) { echo ""; } if ($invr_tmpl != null) { $summ_array["ptrn@".$invr_ptrn]=$summ_array["ptrn@".$invr_ptrn]+1; $summ_array["tmpl@".$invr_tmpl]=$summ_array["tmpl@".$invr_tmpl]+1; // echo "
"; // print_r($summ_tmpl); // echo ""; } } if ($rrelt == $invr_ptrn.$invr_tmpl and $invr_tmpl[0] != "+" and $invr_intn[0] != "+") { if ($irelt != $invr_intn and $invr_tmpl != null) { echo ""; $irelt = $invr_intn; } } } echo "/"; } } } echo "

"; $summ_itms=explode(".",$summ_tmpl); ksort($summ_array); // print_r($summ_array); $summ_rslt=""; foreach($summ_array as $summ_key => $summ_val) { // echo "
"; $summ_lnes=explode(".",$summ_rslt); // print_r($summ_lnes); foreach($summ_lnes as $lnes_key => $lnes_val) { // echo ""; $lnes_dtls=explode("?",$lnes_val); // print_r($lnes_dtls); foreach($lnes_dtls as $dtls_key => $dtls_val) { if ($dtls_val != null) { $dtls_val=str_replace("]",": ",$dtls_val); $dtls_itms=explode(" ",$dtls_val); // echo "
".count($dtls_itms); if (count($dtls_itms) > 4) { if ($drelt != $dtls_val) { $dtls_array[$dtls_val]=$dtls_array[$dtls_val]+1; // echo ""; $drelt=$dtls_val; } } } } } // print_r($dtls_array); exit; arsort($dtls_array); foreach($dtls_array as $dtls_key => $dtls_val) { $sdtls_key=str_replace(" ","+",$dtls_key); $ldtls_key="
".$dtls_val."Response: ".$dtls_key."
"; echo ""; } echo "
tekst: ".$lnes_val."
".count($dtls_itms)."Response: ".$dtls_val."
"; $sinvr_lnks=str_replace(" ","+",$rchs_itms[1]); $sinvr_rchs=str_replace(" ","+",$rchs_itms[2]); $invr_domn=$rchs_itms[4]; if (substr($invr_domn,0,6) == "admin_") { $invr_domn=$bzv1_intn; } exit; /////////// $invr_bzv1=strtolower($invr_bzv1); $sinvr_bzv1=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_bzv1); $datm=date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); echo "
".$datm; set_time_limit(0); // error_reporting(0); echo ""; // $wiki_rqst=bild_wiki($invr_bzv1); // print_r($wiki_rqst); echo ""; // echo ""; echo "
"; echo ""; ?>
Or better contact Ed Kool in Holland on 31-162-313323 or Michael Blekhman in Canada on 1-514-3310172.

Lingvistica bv is one of the world leaders in supplying off- the- shelf and custom- made linguistic resources for various applications, such as web- search engines, translation memory, language learning, automatic translation, semantic enriched wordlists and now we are getting into cognitive computing.
To show processable samples we have prepared wordlists (Opens in a new page) with wordforms starting with the letter N. We are not exhaustive in our samples. If you have a special need for a language let us know via info@lingvistica and most likely we can make a sample acccording to your specifications.


Bad company-Byrds>
Simon and Garfunkel
The Boss